

harvey solo premiere 9 2023 de schaapjesfabriek hr 12

Harvey Cobb

Harvey Cobb is sort of a comedian, kind of a juggler, and almost an artist In 2022, he won the BNG Circus Prize, a prize awarded to the most promising circus talent in the Netherlands. Since then, his ludicrous nonsense, vulnerable sincerity, silly stand up and Pink Boot antics have been entertaining audiences across Europe, and even

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Nira Tal

Nira is a comedian known for her understated delivery and wry takes on life. She’s an Israel-native, 40-something mother and wife. In 2018, she turned to comedy as part of her midlife crisis and discover that mediocrity is also an art form. “…her way of viewing the world is simultaneously relatable and hilariously baffling… Her

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Edith Veerhoek

Born in ’83 as Edith E. Oliver Mosqueda in Mexico, but moved towards the Netherlands with her mom in ’89 to (eventually) become Edith E. Wijnen-Veerhoek. Raised trilingual in Spanish, Dutch & English and by a crazy latina mother and a Dutch stepdad, it was no surprise to no-one she’d become a comedian raising questions

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Semir Dahha

Semir Dahha’s comedy is dark, personal and oddly hummus-based. His observations about culture and relationships will weave you in and out of stories that are so absurd, you might actually believe them. Semir rocks stages throughout the Netherlands and beyond, even making his debut at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2022. Audiences love him because there

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Mano Szollosi

Mano is just a bad joke, making a career out of it: like all our politicians do. He was born Jewish but baptized Chaotic… damn auto-correct, it’s C-A-T-H-O-L-I-C! … Mano is in the bizniss for four years and he is the showrunner of Comedy Club Ba-Dum-Tsss at Jazz Café Dizzy & Matrix in Rotterdam.

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Christos Sougk

Christos Sougk comes from Greece, from where they eventually had to migrate due to a series of allergic reactions to sunlight. He strives for the representation of people with nasal voices and broken English in popular culture. He is the owner and show runner of LaughPlug Comedy in Rotterdam. In 2023, a media outlet named

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