Kems Kriol was brought up in a very diverse
surrounding . The industrial impact and
resurrecting character of his hometown
Rotterdam is omnipresent in his work.
At an early age he attends piano classes and becomes a well known
percussion player in his late teens , early twenties.
Besides having a love for drums, percussion and beats he is heavily
influenced by melodic and melancholic music played at home and clubs by
his Latin American and West African family members and peers .
While DJ-ing (Reggae,Funk,Soul) at the club Nighttown in his early
twenties and playing in various bands as a session player on festivals like
North Sea Jazz , he becomes somewhat of a musical chameleon.
From playing in bands/projects, having his own band , DJ-ing to
producing music and performing as a singer/songwriter in Portuguese as
well as his Native Spanish and Capeverdean Kriol.
It all becomes a part of his musical journey to find his voice as an artist.
In 2018 he turns all of these experiences into practice while starting a
small project studio.
Festivals like Rewire, Le Guess Who and Gaudeamus eventually offer the
cure to his crave. A new path of experimental ,adventurous music is
conscientiously chosen when performing or producing.
2021 sees his first solo release “Equanimity” on the Nous’ Klaer imprint
The EP is presented at a sold-out WORM in his hometown during a label
In 2022 he curates a successful evening called “Continuum” presenting
various international organic/electronic and visual artists at New Grounds
in his hometown.